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Yvonne Reddick

Yvonne Reddick is both a poet and a researcher. In both areas, she is primarily concerned with ecology: her research focuses on the poetic self-reflection of the Anthropocene era - i.e., she examines how the human footprint on Earth appears in poetry. She mainly reflects on this in her poetry,Burning Season for example, in her independent volume of poems published under the title, she mixes her poems, reflections and impressions about nature and lyrical essays in a unique way. She is occupied with eco-poetry and nature writing. Her publications appeared among others inThe Guardian, in PN Review and in The North, in 2016 she was one of the winners of the Northern Writers' award.

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The Peninsula

A félsziget

When words fail, go to the abbey
where the echo has faded, and try

to throw your voice over the water’s whispers.
Here, belltower speaks to bellflower,

the physic garden of sage and celery
a cloister whirring with insect vespers –

square-cut cells in rock,
the bourdon of bees humming
to their goddess the apple-tree.
This landscape, adrift and islanded,

has almost split the lake in two,
has boiled with craters, then cooled

to fonts of lakes and wetlands.
This spring, rain-blessed lavender,

the chalices of tulips, the iris’s faint candle.
Wine in the vine, blackbirds in chorus.

Inland, you look over organ pipes of basalt,
the dragon beneath St George’s Hill

extinguished in its pit,
under a ridge of oaks and smoke-trees.

Firebugs, oil-beetles, a shrine of glass lanterns,
the hill an isle of trees kneeling in the wind

by the blue-green inland sea.
A wooden gate carved with letters,

the lakeshore inscribed with reeds.
Now, pick up the pen. Begin.

Ha cserbenhagy a szó, az apátságba menj,

ahol elhalt a visszhang, hallasd


a hangod a suttogó víz fölött.

Itt harangtorony szól harangvirághoz,


a füvészkertben zsálya, zeller,

a kerengőn zümmögő rovarvecsernye –


sziklába vájt, szögletes cellák,

méhek basszussípja zeng


istennőjét köszönti, az almafát.

A sodródó, szigetes táj,


a szinte kettéhasított tó,

előbb gőzölgő kráterek,


aztán hűlő láp, keresztelőmedence.

Most tavasz, esőáldotta levendula,


tulipánkehely, írisz halvány gyertyája.

Bor venyigéje, feketerigók kara.


A szárazföldön bazaltoszlopok,

a Szent György-hegy alatt a sárkány


tüze a veremben kihunyt,

ráborul tölgyerdő és cserszömörce.


Szentjánosbogár-lámpások kegyhelye

és szélben térdet hajtó fák szigete a hegy,


mossa a kékeszöld beltenger.

Egy fakapun vésett betűk,


a tópart vonalát nádszálak húzzák.

Most fogd te a tollat! Rajtad a sor.

Lázár Júlia fordítása

About us

The Poems in Veszprém project was realized within the framework of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture program.

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