Poems in Veszprém
A series of contemporary poetry events in the cultural capital of Europe
The Lipták House in Balatonfüred, seat of the Translator House for Hungarian Literature, now welcomed six European poets as part of the Veszprém-Balaton European Capital of Culture program. The poets enjoyed the hospitality of the house for two weeks, visited schools in the region (Lóczy Lajos, Kéttannyelvű, Lovassy László and Vetési Albert), took part in discussions at Pannon University and the House of Jewish Excellence, held workshops and classes, and got to know the region. At the end of the two weeks, we asked each of the participants to write a poem, which - along with other poems - will be translated into Hungarian by renowned translators. From these poems, young actors and actresses prepare a pageant that will be performed in Balatonfüred, Balatonalmádi and Veszprém on 29th and 30th July.
International creative workshop at the Translation House in Füred
In recent weeks, three of the international poets of the Versek Veszprémben program received prestigious professional awards:
Yvonne Reddick won the Laurel Prize Best U.K. First Collection of Ecopoetry for her book, Burning Season;
Antonio Rivero Taravillo won the Premio de Poesía Ciudad de Alcalá for his book entitled Ahora;
Guy Helminger won the Luxembourger Theaterpreis for concept, text and directing for his drama, Madame Köpenick.
We are proud to have worked with you!
Get to know the participants!

Iya Kiva started writing poems at the beginning of the Ukrainian-Russian war. Since then she published three books of poetry, the latest, Witness of namelessness having been published last year.
United Kingdom
Both as a poet and a researcher, Yvonne Reddick primarily deals with the environment and its relationship with humans. In her most recently published book, Burning Season, she mixes her reflections on nature and her lyrical essays with her poems.
Gérard Cartier is a Tristan-Tzara and Max Jacob prize-winning poet, prose writer and literary translator, and in the same time an engineer. Historically inspired, pseudo-autobiographical works and reimaginings of literary tropes appear among his volumes.
Guy Helminger was born in 1963 in the city of Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg, and has been living and creating in Cologne since 1985. Thanks to his work, he is a true world traveler: his latest publications for instance covers his trip to Brazil.
Jaan Malin was born in 1960 in Tartu, Estonia. He is interested in surrealism both as an art critic and as a creator. Since 2011 he has been a member of the international Dadaist organization DAstrugistenDA. He has some of his works published on CD.

Antonio Rivero Taravillo was born in Melilla in 1963 and has been living in Seville since 1964. He wrote 13 volumes of his own poems, and is also considered a recognized translator of Welsh, Scottish and Irish literature. He has received numerous awards for his work as a translator and poet.